
Showing posts with the label Food Trip

Panciteria Lido Visayas Ave: A Worthy Food Trip

A friend suggested checking out Panciteria Lido along Visayas Ave. and I was pretty game for a nice food trip. I’ve heard of the restaurant before but never had a chance to sample any of their branches so I didn’t know what exactly to expect. Well, of course, as the name suggests, there has to be pancit (Chinese noodles). On our visit, I met Visayas Ave. Franchisee Mr. Benigno “Benny” Franco (with business partner, Ms. Pilita Dalisay busy overseeing things at the back) and found out that the branch opened only last June. I just had to ask since from where I was seated, I could see the exact spot where I was last February at the balcony of the establishment beside it & wondered how it could’ve escaped my notice then—it’s cozy & inviting; just the thing I was on a lookout for back then.