
Coming Out of Hiatus

Nine Years. That's how long it took me to find my way out of the rat race.  I’d been meaning to at least get back to blogging even while maintaining a regular job, but I just got too consumed with work that I couldn’t find the time and energy. I forgot that my default is to dive into work with everything I’ve got. I so loved what I was doing that I practically lost myself in it.     Finally, the opportunity to get out of the rat race presented itself just when I needed it and I grabbed it without any hesitation. It was a long time coming; like I had only been waiting for the other shoe to drop especially in the absence of the spark that used to keep me going. As if on cue, I was given a chance to get out of Dodge. It was, indeed, time to move on. It meant stepping out of my comfort zone, but what’s the point in staying if you’ve lost your faith on the direction the train was going?  It wasn’t an easy journey, mind you. We celebrated great milestones, but we also weathered some nast

Procrastination II: Causes

I have a proposal, cost estimate and a letter of appointment to draft plus I have to prepare some ideas for a brainstorming session with a client in a couple of days so naturally, I found a bit of time to write this follow up entry on procrastination. If you haven’t read my previous post on the topic, you might want to check that here to make some sense on what I just said. :) Image: nuttakit / If you’re looking into managing your tendencies to procrastinate, knowing the causes is the first step. Unless you get around to understanding the reason you’re being afflicted by this human weakness, you’re not likely to handle it successfully. Personally, I’d like to generalize mine into three: 

Procrastination: The Loathed Enemy

I know I’m not totally immune to the lure of putting things off for later. I’m only human. Writers are pretty prone to procrastination with the handy alibi of waiting for the proverbial inspiration to strike. At times, it can be associated heavily on the infamous writer’s block. I’m sure, however, that chronic procrastinators are present in every industry known to man since it’s a natural tendency for human beings. I’m too aware that I sometimes stray toward that dark path and since I’m not a big fan of wasting time, I usually berate myself when I fall prey to this human weakness. Imagine Dobby the house elf punishing himself with Harry’s lamp, banging his head on the wall—that’s how I would normally feel like doing since kicking myself doesn’t seem enough (perhaps because I never managed to do that successfully). So whenever I notice a pattern emerging, I usually try to find the cause and try to resolve it.  Image: StuartMiles / My tendency to be pretty

Panciteria Lido Visayas Ave: A Worthy Food Trip

A friend suggested checking out Panciteria Lido along Visayas Ave. and I was pretty game for a nice food trip. I’ve heard of the restaurant before but never had a chance to sample any of their branches so I didn’t know what exactly to expect. Well, of course, as the name suggests, there has to be pancit (Chinese noodles). On our visit, I met Visayas Ave. Franchisee Mr. Benigno “Benny” Franco (with business partner, Ms. Pilita Dalisay busy overseeing things at the back) and found out that the branch opened only last June. I just had to ask since from where I was seated, I could see the exact spot where I was last February at the balcony of the establishment beside it & wondered how it could’ve escaped my notice then—it’s cozy & inviting; just the thing I was on a lookout for back then.

Marketing Arm for SMEs: The Benefits

Having the best product or service is never enough. Without a good marketing strategy in place, you couldn’t realize the full potential of your business. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) may claim that they do not have the expertise and that they cannot afford an extensive marketing department the way most large and multinational companies can. The thing is, there’s another way…  If you’re a business owner without much capital to burn, you may consider getting a marketing arm.

Warts Removal Treatment: Zap ‘Em Off

Warts are generally harmless though they’re a tad unsightly. Fortunately, I only had those that they call flat warts. A flat wart or verruca plana, is “a small, smooth flattened wart, flesh-coloured, which can occur in large numbers; most common on the face, neck, hands, wrists and knees.” As with all kinds of warts, they are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). For me, it was fairly tolerable & I tried not to be bothered with them much. Treatment can be rather expensive, so getting rid of them hadn’t been a priority. But when you come across great deals like an 83% discount on Laser Warts Removal All You Can on your Face and Neck for only PhP 500, who wouldn’t jump on the chance, right? That offer was made by Ehemplo Salon and Day Spa over at early this month.

Ageless Facial Treatment & Rejuvenating Spa from CELtrex

I’m not particularly vain growing up. Sure, I’m just like any other girl who’d get into those beauty stuff now & then but compared with my sisters, I’d say I’m the least vain. Perhaps that’s because I had been spared from those pimple breakouts during my teens so I was never too keen on beauty regimens and limited myself to simple moisturizer during winter--not religiously at that & any moisturizer will do. Prolonged exposure to the sun or even makeup didn’t bother me much either. Of course, as a woman grows older, you’re supposed to take better care of your skin. I’ve heard that often enough. Hectic lifestyle & stress can speed up aging which manifests through our skin. So when I came across the opportunity, I knew it was worth a shot.